Morning Meditations Series

Join Us For Bookreadings and Workshops

Chapter/Topics • Furloughed - Career Transformation • Girlfriends - Self Care/ Self Confidence Builder • How to Work the TI Calculator - Persistence / Self-Determination • Turning Forty - Overcoming Poverty

Upcoming Book Readings and Workshops

Thank you for participating in the meditation series. The book readings are a huge success. We took a deep dive into 'Distractions'. The coachable moments reflected on letting go of past negative experiences to focus on professional, emotional, personal and financial growth.

We ended the session equipped to make the necessary adjustments to flourish through the winter months.

In 2023 the coaching focused on persistence 'How to Work the TI Calculator'. Persistence cultivates self-esteem and the confidence to achieve goals.

In April through August we went deep into mindset shifts and career transformation. In November we practiced self-care with 'Girlfriends'.

Future Sessions - Join me in pruning and grooming our gardens to display audacious blooms well into Spring 2024. ~Bea Clark

Upcoming Events in End of Year 2023!

Adult Learning Advocacy

"The Wealth Gap"

I collaborate with workforce development organizations and individuals to close the wealth gap for people who under-employed or laid off. I do this through public speaking, group coaching sessions, and podcasts using topics from my memoir, ‘Deferred Genius’.


Our vision is a workforce that is respected, educated, and equitably compensated.


Registration for discovery and coaching under the advocacy program is found on the new "Coachable Moments" page. We are a safe place to share your vision and reframe your focus.

Personal and Career Transformation Workshops

Registration is open for the one-day workshops in December where we're in the holiday spirit with "The Christmas Tree'. We will resume delving into career pivoting and skills stacking with 'Furloughed in 2024! Registration will open for book readings and one-day workshops through April 2024. It's all about self-care with a deep dive into 'Girlfriends' in the Spring 2024.

You will be motivated to explore outside the box. See you there!

Register Book Reading

Book Reviews

Thoughts on Deferred Genius